

In 2015, I set a goal: to train myself in every aspect possible of making comics. Transformed! is both the fruit of those efforts and a record of my progress. Through it, I’ve gained experience in scripting, thumbnailing, lettering, pre-press, and more! As of June 2022, there are five individual issues available as well as a perfect-bound collected volume.




Every chapter of Transformed! is initially plotted into a short series of beats, and then expanded into a longer script accompanied by occasional sketches of specific scenes or panels. I’ve developed a sense of about how many lines/actions will occupy a page, and break the script down into approximate page divisions to prepare for thumbnailing.



Using the page breakdown in the script as a guideline, I plan the entire comic out on paper in rough thumbnails. Over the course of working on Transformed! my thumbnailing process has become much more compact - from 4 thumbs per page to 16!




Because I’m responsible for both inks and pencils, pencils for Transformed! are typically loose and evocative with a focus on capturing the emotion and composition of a panel.

Lettering & SFX

One of my major goals with Transformed! was to develop my lettering skills - all dialog and sfx are completely hand lettered!
